abscess - rectum - septum - cave.. new york, ramiken crucible, 2015.

318 seiten. englisch. 4°, 22,8 x 29,2 cm. farb. illustr. okalppkarton fast durchgehend illustr., mit ganzs. farbabb., sowie texten zur "cave"-ausstellung sowie von und zu den partizipierenden künstlern: catharine ahearn, vera alemani, trisha baga, artemis baltoyanni, paololuca barbieri marchi, lucas blalock, speck brown, james foster, phillip gabriel, gabi, gelitin: wolfgang, florian, ali, tobias; sophie giraux, jarrett gregory, blaize lehane, gavin kenyon, josh kline, km15.1, schuyler maehl, poops + p-touch, vaughn randall, rollo, manuel scheiwiller, jessie stead."the cave exhibition pollutes nature directly with art. cave men ruined pristine underground natural environments with absurd and poorly drawn images from their psychological landscape of false gods and hungry bellies. perhaps nothing has changed. the cave exhibition hits the red reset button on three dimensional space, and reamends the rights of artists to make mistakes, currently, on the same order of magnitude as cave men: forever. this exhibition is about the future of cave art, not the past. cave art will become a trend, and the best artists will rush to show in caves. this is only possible because of the internet, which will allow far flung caves (and caverns) to reach the market. shipping will be done by hovercraft and transporter beams. artists will move away from cities in droves, massing at the caves with the most action and the best drinks.". minimale gebrauchspuren. gutes bis sehr gutes exemplar.

preis: 120,00 €