michel foucault. agnes b. le point d' ironie # 34, septembre 2004. paris, agnes b/ obrist, hans-ulrich 2004.

Michel Foucault. agnes b. Le Point D' Ironie # 34, Septembre 2004
(8) ungeheftet seiten, durchgehend illustr., 43 x 30,7 cm. this issue of point d’ironie was created on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his death, in association with the festival d’automne à paris. daniel defert and philippe artières were extremely kind enough to make a choice of unpublished photos so that agnès b. could create the model and associate them with a few significant extracts from his texts or interviews which underline the burning relevance of his thoughts.. sehr gutes exemplar/ very good copy.

preis: 20,00 €