mikhailov, boris. boris mikhailov. salt lake. göttingen, steidl verlag/ pace/ macgill gallery, 2002.
englisch. quer-4to./ quer-quartformat. opappbd./ hardcover, (80) pp. with 57 photographies taken in ukraine, 1985. with an afterword by friedrich meschede, 'boris mikhailov shot this black-and-white photo sequence at his father’s birthplace in the south of the ukraine. there is a lake nearby, into which untreated effluents from a nearby factory are discharged. believing the water to have healing powers, people enjoy going for a swim. all year round, families gather on the shore, and on-lookers might be reminded of a »russian baden-baden«.'(steidl). tadelloses exemplar/ mint copy. 978-3-88243-815-4.