pier paolo pasolini: st paul. a screenplay. london, verso 2014.

144 seiten. englisch. 8to. (oktavformat). translated and introduced by elizabeth a. castelli, foreword by alain badiou, afterword by ward blanton. okarton mit oschutzumschlag/ hardcover woth dustjacket. aus dem klappentext: 'presented here for the first time in english is a remarkable screenplay about the apostle paul by pier paolo pasolini, legendary filmmaker, novelist, poet, and radical intellectual activist. written between the appearance of his renowned film teorema and the shocking, controversial salò, or the 120 days of sodom, st paul was deemed too risky for investors. at once a political intervention and cinematic breakthrough, the script forces a revolutionary transformation on the contemporary legacy of paul. in pasolini’s kaleidoscope, we encounter fascistic movements, resistance fighters, and faltering revolutions, each of which reflects on aspects of the pauline teachings. from jerusalem to wall street and greenwich village, from the rise of ss troops to the death of martin luther king, jr, here—as alain badiou writes in the foreword—‘paul’s text crosses all these circumstances intact, as if it had foreseen them all’. '. sehr gutes exemplar/ near mint copy.