titaud, roselyne. roselyne titaud. a bruit. berlin, the green box 2016.
deutsch, englisch. 8to. (oktavformat). titelgepr. opappbd./ hardcover, 48 seiten, 24 abb., 130 x 220 mm 'the artist book á bruit (with noise) combines two works by french photopgraher roselyne titaud. retour de chasse (return from the hunt) is a series of photographs made in november 2012 near the city of görlitz in germany. images documenting a hunt, a hunt for images of animals that are peacefully stretched out, eviscerated, and could almost be sleeping. what fascinates in these images is the fact that there is no reproach in the hunt; there is instead, light and silence. there is something in this that goes very far back in time and that makes one feel the contemplative celebration of photography. it is no coincidence that the earliest known works of humanity are hunting scenes, as in the caves of lascaux.. tadelloses exemplar/ mint copy.