serra, richard. richard serra`s tilted arc . eindhoven, van abbemuseum 1988.

276 seiten. 1 schwarzweißabb.. englisch. 8to. (oktavformat). okarton. "tilted arc" was a controversial public art installation by richard serra, displayed in foley federal plaza in manhattan from 1981 to 1989. it consisted of a 120-foot-long, 12-foot-high solid, unfinished plate of rust-covered cor-ten steel. advocates characterized it as an important work by a well-known artist that transformed the space and advanced the concept of sculpture, whereas critics focused on its perceived ugliness and saw it as ruining the site. following an acrimonious public debate, the sculpture was removed in 1989 as the result of a federal lawsuit and has never been publicly displayed since, in accordance with the artist's wishes. this book documents these procedures in detail. edition of 1.700 copies. leicht berieben, aufkleberspur auf der rückseite, ansonsten ein sehr gutes exemplar. 90-70 149-24-9.