cattelan, maurizio; ferrari, pierpaolo. maurizio cattelan/ pierpaolo ferrari. toiletpaper magazine n.12. milano, damiani 2016.
4to. (quartformat). obr., geheftet, (40) unpag. seiten mit 22 ganzs. farbabb. /softcover. 'toiletpaper is an artists’ magazine created and produced by maurizio cattelan and pierpaolo ferrari, born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. number 14, powered by bmw, is the collection of pictures made for zeit magazine. the magazine contains no text; each picture springs from an idea, often simple, and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists’ mental outbursts. since the first issue, in june 2010, ‘toiletpaper’ has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. it combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. the result is a publication that is itself a work of art, which, through its accessible form as a magazine, and through its wide distribution, challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy.'( tadelloses exemplar/ mint copy. release: february 2016. .