partenheimer, jürgen . jürgen partenheimer. violer d' amores. fragments from finnegans wake/ james joyce, eight drawings. düsseldorf, richter verlag 2004.

(24) doppelblattseiten. englisch. 4to. (quartformat). okarton mit oschutzumschlag und pergaminpapier in oschuber. the artistbook has been published on the occ. of the exhibition at galerie onrust, amsterdam, 9 oct - 13 nov 2004/ das künstlerbuch erschien anl. der ausstellung in der galerie onrust, amsterdam, 9. okt. - 13. nov. 2004. violer d' amores is a collection of textual excerpts from 'finnegans walk' by james joyce, selected by the artist and juxtaposed with eight pencil and ink drawings. numbered edition, this is no. 373 [also an edition of 99 numbered and signed copies with orig.drawing]. tadelloses exemplar/ mint copy.