mckinniss, sam; da corte, alex . c-a-t spells murder. edited by alex da corte and sam mckinniss. newton, nj, karma 2018.
englisch. gr.-8to. (groß-oktavformat). oklappkarton/ softcover. 272 pages. artist alex da corte (born 1980) worked with writer and artist sam mckinness to compile this book of 24 stories and fictional essays on the themes of the telephone, paranoia, romance in the night, suburbia, the moon, superstitions, ghosts and monsters. 24 fiendish stories and essays by dan allegretto, al bedell, alissa bennett, ian bosak, tommy brewer, charlie fox, noel freibert, francesca gavin, riley hanson, jonas kyle, sam mckinniss, bob nickas, george pendle, kaitlin phillips, tommy pico, sarah nicole prickett, william pym, david rimanelli, collier schorr, mt shelves, jeremy sigler, zach smith, amy rose spiegel, jia tolentino. tadelloses exemplar/ mint copy.